Fire Ant Allergy

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Fire Ant Allergy Treatment in Charlotte

Fire ant allergy poses a significant risk to many individuals, especially to young children who enjoy the outdoors. These ants can be encountered anywhere from playgrounds to walking trails, and if one isn’t vigilant, their bites can trigger allergic reactions. Even mild symptoms like hives or itching can disrupt daily life for a child who doesn’t understand their allergy.

At Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center, we recognize the serious impact of fire ant allergy on your well-being. We are dedicated to offering comprehensive care, tailored treatment plans, and continuous support to manage and treat this condition effectively. Our team of board-certified allergists and skilled healthcare professionals is committed to assisting you at every stage, whether you need a diagnosis, treatment, or ongoing allergy management.


How to Request an Appointment

Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center provides thorough assessment and treatment for fire ant allergy. If you suspect that you or your child might be allergic to fire ants or have experienced symptoms following a fire ant bite, you can request an appointment with our team of board-certified allergists and skilled healthcare professionals.

To arrange an appointment, you can contact our office or complete the online appointment request form on our website. Our courteous staff will collaborate with you to find a suitable date and time for your visit.

During your appointment, our allergists will carefully review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and perform any necessary tests to determine the presence of a fire ant allergy. Based on this evaluation, our team will create a personalized treatment plan aimed at managing your symptoms and preventing future allergic reactions.

What is a Fire Ant Allergy?

Not all ants are fire ants. Fire ants are typically found in the Southern United States, and live in “colonies,” or small mounds of dirt, in the grass. You have likely seen these mounds in your backyard, around your neighborhood, and especially in forested areas. Stepping on one of these mounds causes all the fire ants living inside to come out and bite whatever disturbed them. Fire ant bites cause a burning, itching feeling for all, but for someone with a fire ant allergy, these can lead to more severe symptoms.

Fire ant bites are different from allergic reactions to stinging insects. Stinging insects include bees, wasps, hornets, and other insects that inject venom into the person they are stinging. Fire ants do not inject venom, and simply cause a reaction from the bite itself, though it may still be referred to as a “sting.”

What are the Symptoms of a Fire Ant Allergy?

If you experience some of these symptoms after being bitten, you may have a fire ant allergy:

  •       Pain and burning
  •       Itching
  •       Hive-like bump at the site
  •       Pimples
  •       Normal to severe swelling
  •       Redness

There are additional, more severe, symptoms that indicate you should seek immediate medical attention, such as:

  •       Trouble breathing
  •       Slurred speech
  •       Fainting
  •       Vomiting
  •       Multiple stings
  •       Stings located not on exterior skin, such as inside the mouth or on the eye

Fire ant bites could cause anaphylaxis if not properly treated. If you have a fire ant allergy and are bitten, it’s always a good idea to contact your doctor immediately.

How to Get Tested for Fire Ant Allergy

Different types of allergy testing are always available and offered by Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center, but typically, the best results come from an IgE Blood Test, which detects allergies by measuring antibody levels in your blood. An allergy skin test may also be appropriate for determining if you or your child have a fire ant allergy.

Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center makes the process of getting an allergy test smooth and simple. After a consultation in which one of our board-certified allergists reviews your concerns and medical history, we’ll help you schedule an allergy test and give you all the information you need to prepare for it. In the case of an IgE Blood Test, no special preparation is required, as allergies can be determined from IgE antibody levels rather than the presence of a reaction. Your allergist will help you decide what’s right for you or your child.

How to Prevent Fire Ant Bites

The only way to ensure complete prevention against fire ant bites is to avoid their colonies entirely. When you notice a mound, you should steer clear, and instruct your child to stay far away. Help them recognize mounds with photos or by pointing them out from a safe distance.

Insect repellents will not prevent fire ant bites, even the most sophisticated ones. One method of preventing bites if you do happen to step on or near a fire ant mound is by wearing shoes.

How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Fire Ant Bites

If you do find yourself stung by a fire ant, you should immediately administer first aid. Disinfect the bite and apply ice to help with the burning sensation. In serious cases, the use of an epinephrine auto-injector such as EpiPen and/or Benadryl may be necessary. If you have any of the severe symptoms listed above, administer the epinephrine auto-injector and seek emergency care.

There are also some long-term treatment options that may be right for you or your child. Certain over-the-counter medications can help treat or lessen symptoms caused by fire ant bites. However, you must ensure you always have this medicine handy, which for children in particular is difficult to follow. Allergy shots can provide more extended relief from fire ant allergy and can be discussed with your allergist. Other long-term treatment options include antihistamines or corticosteroids. Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center is here to help you decide the right treatment for you.


It’s important to recognize and treat fire ant allergy so that you or your child can live a symptom-free life full of outdoor adventures. Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center is committed to offering empathetic care for all allergies. Contact us today, either through our website or by calling 704-372-7900, to get testing and treatment for your fire ant allergy. Take the first step toward a healthier, allergy-free life.

Fire Ant Allergy FAQs

How do I know if I'm allergic to fire ants?

There may be an indication that you have a fire ant allergy if you experience significant symptoms after bites, such as severe swelling, itching, and pain. The only way to be sure you have an allergy is to get an allergy test.

What should I do if I get bitten by a fire ant?

You should apply immediate first aid to help manage the symptoms and consider the use of an EpiPen if your reaction increases or does not fade. If you know you have a fire ant allergy, you should call your doctor no matter what to let them know you were stung and discuss possible treatment.

How effective are allergy shots for fire ant allergy?

Allergy shots are still a newer treatment but have proven to be very effective in treating many different kinds of allergies. Depending on your situation, your allergist may recommend allergy shots as the best course of action.

How long do I need to get fire ant allergy shots for?

Allergy shots must be “built up” in your system, meaning you must receive consistent shots for a period of a few months. After that, you can simply receive maintenance shots for the next few years.

Can children also get allergy shots for fire ants?

Children at least 4 years of age or older may receive allergy shots. Sometimes younger patients are considered for allergy shots if there is a strong history of anaphylaxis.

Are there any side effects to fire ant allergy shot treatment?

There may be certain side effects associated with allergy shots, such as sneezing, cough, itchy eyes and throat, hives, and more. Your allergist will discuss possible side effects before you receive any shots.

Pollen and Mold Levels

Pollen counts are updated daily from February 15 to November 15.
Last updated: October 30, 2023

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